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star fruit

См. также в других словарях:

  • star fruit — star′ fruit n. pln carambola 2) • Etymology: 1855–60 …   From formal English to slang

  • star fruit — n. CARAMBOLA (sense 2) …   English World dictionary

  • star fruit — noun deeply ridged yellow brown tropical fruit; used raw as a vegetable or in salad or when fully ripe as a dessert • Syn: ↑carambola • Hypernyms: ↑edible fruit • Part Holonyms: ↑carambola, ↑carambola tree, ↑Averrhoa carambola …   Useful english dictionary

  • star fruit — noun The fruit of the carambola tree. Syn: carambola …   Wiktionary

  • star fruit — n. yellow brown tropical fruit deeply marked with ridges; East Indian tree that bears the starfruit, carambola …   English contemporary dictionary

  • star fruit — noun Date: 1965 carambola 1 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • star fruit — carambola (def. 2). [1855 60] * * * …   Universalium

  • star fruit — /ˈsta frut/ (say stah frooht) noun 1. an erect aquatic plant, Damasonium minus, family Alismataceae, found on pond margins. 2. → carambola. Also, starfruit …  

  • star — n. & v. n. 1 a celestial body appearing as a luminous point in the night sky. 2 (in full fixed star) such a body so far from the earth as to appear motionless (cf. PLANET, COMET). 3 a large naturally luminous gaseous body such as the sun is. 4 a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • star — {{11}}star (n.) O.E. steorra, from P.Gmc. *sterron, *sternon (Cf. O.S. sterro, O.N. stjarna, O.Fris. stera, Du. ster, O.H.G. sterro, Ger. Stern, Goth. stairno), from PIE *ster (Cf. Skt. star , Hittite shittar, Gk. aster, astron …   Etymology dictionary

  • fruit — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. product, yield, harvest; offspring, result, consequence, outgrowth. See production, effect. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The edible growth of a plant] Syn. fruitage, berry, drupe, grain, nut, root, tuber,… …   English dictionary for students

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